Lot of mistakes and misunderstandings happens. It's not just only with me, but everyone living in the world. Mistakes may happen with anyone at any moment in their life. Some of the mistakes we all make are minor and no one really cares about them until it affects them. Then there is more serious mistakes that go towards regret, we've all regretted something in our lives even those who deny it. Sometimes, conditions may also become more prone for mistakes.
Things I feel wrong in the process are losing patience, judging the person in such situations or ignoring them because of some misunderstanding.
I personally believe, a lot of our mistakes go unnoticed and we don't learn from them, then there are the mistakes that are unavoidable and ruin everything we have already planned. Some of the mistakes
I make is sometimes different to the mistakes that friends make. But isn't that the point of growing?
Why shouldn't we help each other and stay along with everyone? Remember, ignoring someone may lead to actually ignoring a good person from whom you can learn something valuable. Stay happy,make others happy.
Until next time,
Krishnakant .V.