is growing too faster. Enough challenges come in everyone's life. Struggle
is a part of life. There are too many people depressed in the present world. There is a tremendous need to find out mental peace. Most people don't understand what the inner peace is.
Before reading this blog, you guys may think what is the need of inner peace? You may also have a thought in mind like - We don't want inner peace, because we want to be active and alive. You may be afraid that it might make you passive and take all the fun from your life. You may also prefer your mind to be active and restless, not calm.
Before reading this blog, you guys may think what is the need of inner peace? You may also have a thought in mind like - We don't want inner peace, because we want to be active and alive. You may be afraid that it might make you passive and take all the fun from your life. You may also prefer your mind to be active and restless, not calm.
Well, this is due to lack of understanding about what inner peace is and how it would improve your life in many ways.
Inner peace means there is no space for overthinking and too much analyzing of every situation. It means no running from one thought to another, constantly thinking about some past incident, no constant dwelling on hurts and what people said or did. It means no waste of time and energy on unimportant and meaningless thoughts.
Don't you think its better than being stressed, anxious with your mind constantly running from one thought to another?
The general and the most common step people think about relaxation is simply lie down on bed and just watch T.V. Well, that will reduce stress, but not to a great extent. One can simply do some sort of exercises, yoga or play some outdoor games.
The most fascinating technique, which I personally believe, to reduce stress and keep myself alive, is sitting alone in silence, listen to the music. Travelling is also one of the best technique to give rise to our inner peace, awaken the thriller inside you and give rise to new desires. Keeping yourself away from the worldly activities for a while will surely rejuvenate you and give you a new essence of living ! The best thing I like about coastal areas is, listening to the sound of waves and feel the fresh air. More interesting part is - ' you have to come aside of the worldly environment to enjoy it..! '
Life is short instead. Why should we waste our time and energy on the wrong things and wrong people. Just enjoy the life however it is. Let the situations come, try finding out new ways and stay away from the materialistic world and careless people. Let us try making our life large enough, rather hoping for long one.
Until next time,
Krishnakant .V. Modani